
Et Spiritus Dei in Infideli

Et Spiritus Dei in Infideli In the days of my bodily life I was taught that God was not with those of the pagan belief. In your current age, many Christians believe that God is not with those Christians of differing belief. More are taught that God is not with the Muslim, the Buddhist, or the Sikh and yet more believe that God is not present in the professed atheist. But as one who now lives amidst the host of the heavens, I know this to be untrue. For God is of Spirit and the presence of Spirit can be neither shut out nor contained. It cannot be said that a man is without God for that Spirit which is God is naturally present in all matter, all space, all ages of time and all flesh. The Spirit of God is also alive in the thoughts of all men and cannot be blocked or shut out by error or disbelief. All which exists, all which bears the breath of life bears also the presence of the Spirit we call God. Each man may be distracted in different measure by the temptations of the flesh

Liberet Regnum Dei

Liberet Regnum Dei The Kingdom of God is of Spirit, reigns true throughout the earth, the entirety of the cosmos and pervades all space, matter and time. But though present in all things and in all ages, the Kingdom of God is not present in it’s greatest fulness as was in the beginning. For the Kingdom of God, which is of Spirit was injured as the first of men preferred the carnality of flesh over the divinity of that Spirit which is God. But though injured, the Kingdom of God, being of timeless Spirit remains eternal and that which is of Spirit and is eternal cannot be defeated by anything material or mortal. Even now, in it’s injured state the kingdom grows, returning to it's original fullness as men slowly come to know and embrace the wisdom God over the vane leadings of mortal flesh. For the Kingdom of God is not just of the cosmos but is also mingled internally with the flesh, blood and Spirit of men, patient for a time as the  wisdom of Spirit still wrestles with

Inde Falso Temporis

Inde Falso Temporis Notions of time are false, born of man’s fallen, mortal perspective on himself and the universe around him. For before the fall of man our species was in much stronger union with the eternal, life giving Spirit of our Creator and this stronger union gave immortality to our flesh as well as our Spirit. Man was truly eternal in that age and within the realm of eternity there is no beginning and no end, nor any sense of temporal transition from past to future. There is no time. But with the fall of man came mortality and eventual death of the flesh to the first of men and as all men came know they would die, they reacted fearfully and the first notions of time began to form. For they thought to measure out the life of their flesh by numerating the days and years which they lived. By this process were numbers created and as the knowledge of men grew, numbers came to assist in the calculation of seasons, the planting of crops, the migrations of wild game and a

Vindicta mea dicit Dominus

Vindicta mea dicit Dominus As a child, whilst still alive in the flesh I was taught of the punishments and rewards of God, as if he were an omnipresent parent in constant watch over all individuals waiting to chastise or bless based on our day to day behaviors. Such teachings can appear sound, for the oracles of God are written accordingly, assigning carnal, human tendencies to a God of Spirit and speaking plainly of vengeance, anger and jealousy as if they were a part of our Creator’s very nature. But having died to the flesh in 462 AD, and living thence forward as one in Spirit with the host of heaven, I soon learned this was not so. For God is Spirit and not subject to those impulsive human passions and emotions despite the truth that the oracles of God read otherwise. For in those oracle’s, as handed down to the great prophets, God spoke downward to our lower state of comprehension, from Spirit to flesh, as parent to child in the carnal language which we in our fallen stat

Per Purificationem Spiritus Carnem

Per Purificationem Spiritus Carnem The nature of flesh is not one of inherent evil but a nature through which flesh tries the strength of spirit over the course of bodily life. For when the flesh hungers a man may consider thievery of another man’s crops and it is the Spirit which chooses between good or evil. And if a man suffers the thievery of his crops, it shall be his spirit which directs his response, whether he beat the thief or show mercy. And if a husband satisfies his passion with a prostitute instead of his wife do we blame his flesh, or the Spirit which disrespects both the prostitute and his wife? In all cases, the Spirit considers the carnal input sent by the flesh and decides itself if the flesh will do good or evil. The flesh itself is not to blame. For we do not say that a beast of flesh alone, lacking in sentient Spirit, is evil for stealing the the food of a another beast. Nor do we expect that the other beast might show mercy on the beast which steals its foo

Falsa Mali Natura in Carna

Falsa Mali Natura in Carna Since before the days of my bodily life there have been notions lasting long through the centuries, even into your current age of flesh bearing an inherently evil nature. It is a false notion but the falsehood is not apparent whilst still living in the flesh. For during the time the time of our bodily life, the temptations of evil wrongfully appear to be born of the the flesh. The adulterous lust we may carry for the wife of another man seems satisfied through an encounter of the flesh so it appears that the sin of adultery is of fleshy origins. But in truth this sin is born of a lost and loveless spirit, in need of connection to another. The sin of adultery is acted out through the flesh but originates within the spirit. Likewise, the sin of greed appears satisfied by the excessive accumulation of wealth at the expense of others. But this sin also is born of a spirit which believes it’s own need to be greater than others. This sin also is visible thro

Causa Homini Dei Creando

Causa Homini Dei Creando There is purpose to the making of our species, written in the oracles of Isaiah that the purpose of man is to give glory to God. Through faith is this done, each man to his best degree for by prayer, grace and good works can our God be glorified by each individual. But as one who now dwells in the host of heaven I know these things are only first steps which lead to a truer glorification of our God. For whilst alive in the flesh we serve as conduits of God, vessels through which is Spirit more fully enters the material realm. This is the glorification of God as spoken of by the prophet. As a child I was taught correctly that God is everywhere, for his Spirit saturates the cosmos and penetrates all flesh and all matter. God does not need our species to achieve presence in the material realm but the presence which God already has is made greater when thoughtfully chosen by a sentient species such as our own. For the unthinking cosmos are passive and unab