Et Exitus Spirituum

Et Exitus Spirituum
There is error to our understanding of Spirit’s departure from the flesh at the moment of death. Spirit does not float upward from the body toward some distant heavenly destination as many have come to believe. For heaven encompasses the entirety of the cosmos and is without any fixed of finite location.
At the moment of my bodily death all containment of Spirit within my flesh was suddenly breached. My Spirit then seemed to expand outward, through my dead corpse into the immediate surroundings of my sickbed. There was no particular direction of departure but something more akin to a rapid diffusion of Spirit in all directions simultaneously. This much I know with all certainty, although my Spirit had been largely contained within my flesh, it was not contained because of any innate power of flesh over Spirit. For the nature of Spirit is immaterial and immortal, and cannot be contained by anything which is material or mortal. Flesh is weak and can never contain Spirit. Rather, it is the conflicted relationship between Spirit and flesh which leads Spirit to fearfully and needlessly cling to its bodily host. The clinging of Spirit to flesh is wrong and deserves later explanation but it is also normal and does not prevent the immortality of one’s Spirit.
I died peacefully, in my sleep with my mother at my side and in the moment of death all fear of it was gone. The pains of my flesh were disappeared as my Spirit rapidly dissipated outward from my corpse. I became suddenly present and conscious in the same putrid, sickly air which I had been desperately gasping at only moments before.
My Spirit, being immaterial and no longer blocked by any form of physical matter became equally present in the flesh of my poor, weeping mother. I was present also with her in ways which I cannot properly convey to you of the material realm. For my conscious, sentient Self was present in the very thoughts of her mind. I was alive within her grief over my death and knew her thoughts in ways greater and more intimate than she herself did. My mother was not conscious of my spirit’s internal presence but I was with her nonetheless and my presence served to assuage her poor mourning to some degree. For my eternal spirit was felt in the subconscious workings of her mind and she knew thereby that my death was only of the physical type, that my Spirit was eternal and that I now existed immortally in heaven.
She did not comprehend the true dimension of heaven, still thinking it to be a distant place of specific location. Nor did she know that my presence was alive around her in that small, dark room and within her very flesh, mind and Spirit. But my beloved mother consciously knew, through the subliminal effect of my living Spirit mingled with her own flesh, thought and Spirit that I was eternally alive. And by the grace of the Eternal God, I pray forever that my story shall give greater hope, faith and comfort to all who must suffer the death of one as beloved as I was to my mother.


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