Spiritus Immortalem Artorias

Spiritus Immortalem Artorias
I was born in 451 AD and whilst alive in the flesh lived humbly as the son of a Roman tentmaker until my death by plague at the age of eleven. Released from the flesh as a creature of Spirit, my first experience was to witness the grief of my beloved mother, who overcome with anguish, embraced my infected corpse and succumbed herself to the disease within the same week. My father, a good man, abandoned her with great remorse on the third day of her suffering, thinking to save my remaining brother from our infectious home by going to live with our uncle. Their own infection was already in it’s infancy though and neither my father nor my brother survived the six day journey. This was the end of my lineage in flesh.
I endured no grief at the and death of my family however, for I had become a creature of Eternal Spirit. As such, I knew the suffering of the disease to be a mere speck of carnal discomfort preceding the unfathomable bliss of timeless eternity as Spirit. So were the suffering and deaths of my family equally trivial to what lie beyond the death of their flesh. Do not judge me cruel for such a statement. For on the other side of this thing we call death, there is no doubt by any as to the truth of my claim. It is a thing impossible to understood whilst in the flesh but true nonetheless. A lifetime filled with the most horrific suffering of the most innocent victim is immeasurably trivial compared to just the first moment of that person’s life in the Spirit.
I felt no sympathy for my family because I was at one with God, the Eternal Spirit who is simultaneously existent in all ages, past, present and future. As such I foreknew the pain, suffering and death which my beloved family was about to endure. But I also knew that these were mere birth pains to eternal peace, free of all torments of the flesh. To be sympathetic of my family’s suffering would have been comparable to having pity for an infant in birth, making the uncomfortable journey from womb to the loving arms of it’s mother. To bemoan such a short discomfort is to deny the eternal bliss of what awaits. Such a feat is not possible for one already experiencing that bliss as I was, for the joy of it is too undeniable and too overwhelming.
The death of the flesh is akin to a birth of the Spirit, even though the Spirit is already alive in the flesh in its weakest form. And in the ages since the death of my flesh my Spirit has changed. For as the flesh grows after birth, so does the Spirit grow after it’s release, or birth from the womb of flesh. Life in Spirit is not a static existence of unchanging bliss as we commonly believe. Life in Spirit is more changing and growing than the changes and growth of flesh can ever achieve. Life in Spirit has greater purpose than life in the flesh can ever know.
My own purpose is to relate this experience to you of the carnal realm, to facilitate a better knowledge of life in Spirit, or heaven as it is most commonly named. My name is Artorias and my humble prayer is that my story may serve the cause of your eternal redemption to our Creator and God.


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