Materia, ex Spiritu

Materia, ex Spiritu
In the age before creation there was no universe, no false notions of time, and no material from which the universe would be formed. All which existed in this age was Spirit; sentient, timeless, without beginning, and knowing no end. This is the Spirit which men came to call God.
Spirit is immaterial but from the sentient will of the immaterial Spirit, matter was formed within the Spirit itself. A material particle was born of immaterial Spirit, was born amidst that Spirit and was one with the Spirit. The particle was the containment of opposites, being immeasurably small in size but infinitely large in density and weight. This particle was the unborn entirety of the cosmos, containing all matter that would form all things of the cosmos throughout all ages. The particle was created unstable, as something that could not hold its own existence. For the entirety of matter compressed into the particle was too great for it’s infinitely small dimensions. The particle was existent for only the smallest portion of a second before bursting outward, into the living presence of the Spirit which formed it, that same Spirit which we call God.
This was the conception of matter by the power of Spirit and the birth of a material universe as the particle burst outward into the Spirit which formed it. It was the melding of the newly born material realm with the same Spirit that both fathered and mothered it. For the particle was burst and gone, seared by the heat of it’s own destruction into unrecognizable vapors which mingled with the Spirit of its Creator. In the aftermath the vapors of the particle reformed into elemental forms of matter which became the multitude of stars, planets and in time, various forms of life, all forming within the womb of the Spirit which is their God. In this way was material born of Spirit in the form of the first particle of matter. And the material universe, with all life that would form therein then born of the particle, growing outward into the waiting Spirit o God.
Before the age of men, the materials which would one day form our flesh were fused with the Spirit we call God. This Spirit was alive in those materials and would become the life of our flesh. Men are not gods but fleshy descendants God, imperfect in body, divine in Spirit, and vainly struggling between the two. For the trials and needs of the flesh cause strife between men, stifle their Spirit and delay the full realization of God’s greater Spirit to the material realm. The needs of all flesh are already supplied by the bounty of the earth but hoarded through the fears of the flesh. And there is no need for men to think of themselves as as creatures of flesh for the immortality of the Spirit dwarfs the temporary nature of mortal flesh.
You are descendants of God, Spirit in flesh for a brief time until your second birth when the vanity of material concerns becomes apparent to all. As one who passed from bodily death to eternal life, it is my prayer that this perspective on our species shall lead you who yet live in the flesh to a greater peace with one another. For by peace in the flesh shall you grow in the Spirit to both welcome and hurry the coming fullness of God’s Spirit upon all of the material realm.


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